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Rizzo Marino Alberto - Pisciotta Pietro |
Il Monastero normanno di S. Michele Arcangelo: novecento anni di storia |
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Monastero di S. Michele Arcangelo, Palermo, città, monachesimo |
Atti, fonti e studi per servire alla storiadella chiesa in Sicilia, 10 |
Histoire de Tancrède |
Rodolfo di Caen (Radulphus Cadomensis) |
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Clermont-Ferrand |
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Crociata, fonti, Tancredi, Boemondo, Oriente, Bizantini, cronachistica |
Riprende la traduzione di F. Guizot |
Alaggio Rosanna |
Monachesimo e territorio nel vallo di Diano (secc. XI-XII) |
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Salerno |
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Campania, castello, incastellamento, monachesimo, Vallo di Diano |
Johns Jeremy - Jamil Nadia |
Signs of the Times: Arabic Signatures as a Measure of Acculturation in Norman Sicily |
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Leiden |
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Documenti, musulmani, acculturazione, Sicilia |
"Muqarnas 21: Essays in Honor of Michael Rogers", pp. 181-192 |
Johns Jeremy |
The boys from Mezzoiuso: Muslim jizya -payers in Christian Sicily |
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Oxford |
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Musulmani, fiscalità, Sicilia, Normanni |
"Islamic Reflections Arabic Musings. Studies in Honour of Professor Alan Jones", (eds.) Robert G. Hoyland and Philip F. Kennedy, pp. 243–256 |
Loud Graham A. |
Sicily in the twelfth century |
storia |
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Cambridge |
Cambridge University Press |
Sicilia, Ruggero II, monarchia, Guglielmo I, Guglielmo II, Impero |
The New Cambridge Medieval History, c.1024-c.1198, vol. IV, 2, (edd.) D. Luscombe - J. Riley-Smith, pp. 442-474 |
Loud Graham A. |
Southern Italy in the eleventh century |
storia |
2004 |
Cambridge |
Cambridge University Press |
Conquista, bizantini, papato, Roberto il Guiscardo, Ruggero I |
The New Cambridge Medieval History, c.1024-c.1198, vol. IV, 2, (edd.) D. Luscombe - J. Riley-Smith, pp. 94-119 |
Johnson Ewan |
The process of Norman exile into southern Italy |
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Esilio, Mezzogiorno, Normandia, Identità |
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International Medieval Research, 13 |
Dunbar Prescott - Loud Graham A. (a cura di) |
Amatus of Montecassino. The History of Normans |
Amato di Montecassino (Amatus Casinensis mon.) |
fonti |
2004 |
Woodbridge |
Boydell & Brewer |
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Montecassino, Desiderio abate di Montecassino, Roberto il Guiscardo, Gregorio VII, conquista |
Flori Jean |
Quelques aspects de la propagande anti-byzantine dans les sources occidentales de la première croisade |
storia |
2004 |
Paris |
Publications de la Sorbonne |
Crociata, Boemondo, Francia, Storiografia, bizantini |
Chemins d'outre-mer. Études d'histoire sur la Méditerranée médiévale offertes à Michel Balard, edd. D. Coulon – C. Otten-Froux – P. Pagès – D. Valérian, vol. I, pp. 333-344 |
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